Oct 04, 2020 | Dr. Jeff Warren

Sermon Response Guide

Sermon Response Guide En Español


Key Points

  • The barrier to your peace is perfection
  • Peace is:
    1) not a pace to achieve, but a person to believe
    2) not a place to be, but a gift to receive
    3) not a pain to erase, but a promise to embrace
    4) not a problem to solve, but a presence to enjoy
    5) not a person to fix, but a grace to embrace
  • Jesus brings you peace with your past, your present, and your future
  • Jesus IS our peace

Memory Verse

Ask God to write this word on your heart this week:
“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.”
-2 Thessalonians 3:16

Questions for Reflection

Take time to reflect and respond to these questions on your own in the presence of the Holy Spirit, or with trusted friends or family members:
1: Which season of your life are you least at peace with: your past, your present, or your future? Why do you think that is?
2: What has been robbing you of your peace lately? Does it have more to do with a pace, a place, a pain, a problem, or a person/people?
3: Honestly, where have you gone to find peace in the midst of your stress lately?
4: In John 14:27, Jesus says, “peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you.” What is the difference between the peace Jesus offers and the peace the world offers?
5: Peace is not an achievement, but a relationship with the Prince of Peace. How does that affect the way you understand peace?
6: How is God inviting you to respond to his gift of peace this morning? What can you do to experience peace “at all times in every way,” and what do you need to let God do?
7: How can you be a peacemaker or a person of peace to those around you this week?


Lord, we want to believe you are our peace. We want to believe you have given us peace at all times in every way, because you have given us your Holy Spirit. The same Spirit that raised you from death to life and gave you peace in the midst of your affliction, lives in all of us who have trusted in you as our Rescue and our Peace. Lord, we want to believe. Help us in our unbelief. Draw us near to you this week as we discover the peace you offer is found in a rich relationship with you, founded by you. Lord, help us believe in you and your peace.

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