Nov 01, 2020 | Travis Cook

Sermon Response Guide

Sermon Response Guide En Español

PRIMARY SCRIPTURE: Luke 16:10 – 13

Key Points

  • To be faithful is not only to be “full of faith”
  • Fruit-of-the-Spirit-faithfulness = dependability, reliability, trustworthiness
  • Be faithful:
    1) in the little things
    2) in the valuable things
    3) in another’s things
    4) to the one thing
  • Success in the eyes of God = faithfulness

Memory Verse

Ask God to write this word on your heart this week:

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
-2 Timothy 4:7

Questions for Reflection

Take time to reflect and respond to these questions on your own in the presence of the Holy Spirit, or with trusted friends or family members:
1: God’s providence is God’s present action in the world to care for his creation and fulfill his divine will. When we are faithful stewards in the little, everyday things, who do we proclaim God is?
2: Don’t evaluate your faithfulness to God by sin you have done and hope to never do again, but by what you will do next. What is the next moment God is inviting you to steward well?
3: If you are in Christ, God no longer measures you according to your own faithfulness, but the perfect faithfulness of his Son, Jesus Christ. If Christ has already been entirely faithful for you, why should you be faithful?
4: What are the most valuable things in your life? What is keeping you from being faithful in the valuable things of life?
5: What step can you take this week to release your grip on the least valuable things in your life so you can get a grip on what is truly valuable in the eyes of God?
6: You are faithful when you are full of someone else’s faith in you. Who has placed their faith in you?

7: To be faithful in all these things, you must be faithful to one thing: God. How can you trust God with all he has entrusted to you today? When tomorrow comes, how will you remember to trust God with that day, too?


Lord, you are entirely faithful. Every time we trust you, you never let us down. Even when we are unfaithful, you remain faithful because that is who you are. Thank you for your faithfulness. Don’t let us fall into the trap of being overwhelmed by this high call to faithfulness. Remind us today and every day that faithfulness is the fruit of your Holy Spirit in us. Lord, help us to be faithful to you, so we might be faithful like you.

Other sermons in the series

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